Husein Muhammed - Bêdengî û Axînên Tarîtiyê Behsa Leylayê Dikin
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Husein Muhammed - Bêdengî û Axînên Tarîtiyê Behsa Leylayê Dikin

Pêjnên bêdengiyê,
axînên tarîtiyê.

çendî bi tenê bim.
pirrtir ji min re tê peyivîn.
Mirrîna dirrindeyan li hingura êvarê,
axîna bayî li hilhatina rojê,
nalîna xîzî li kela nîvro...

Hemû bo min behsa Leylayê dikin,
behsa evîn û janê dikin.

Dengûdora mirovan
dengên bêdengiyê difetisînin.

Ne hewceyî mirovan im.
Orrîna şêran ji evîna Leylayê ye,
mirrîna pilingan ji bêrîkirinê ye,
çeqel jihalçûyî dikenin,
mar navê Leylayê li xîzî dixuşînin.
Ew bo min basa evînê dikin,
hemî pesna navê Leylayê didin.

Tevî birayên xwe yên kovî dibim,
hewara evîna xwe bilind dikim,
bi zimanê birayên xwe,
bi dengê birayên xwe, li gel wan.


û bêdengiya çolê banga min dibîze.
22-10-2024, 00:22:34
I once encountered the harrowing consequences of a cryptocurrency scam, which plunged me into a deep sense of despair. I can attest, from personal experience, that it is truly a nightmare. My investment, a substantial sum in Ethereum, was effectively held hostage by an online investment platform. I had anticipated significant returns; however, I was oblivious to the impending distressing experience. As time progressed, my initial excitement morphed into anguish upon realizing that the platform I had trusted was nothing more than a cleverly devised scheme aimed at defrauding unsuspecting individuals passionate about the cryptocurrency market, leaving us feeling exposed, deceived, and hard to trust again. I discovered CYBERGENIEHACKPRO upon embarking on a money recovery journey, a team of experts specializing in asset recovery, dedicated to assisting victims in tracing and reclaiming their misappropriated funds. The process of recovering my lost Ethereum seemed daunting, as I had previously read that cryptocurrency transactions are untraceable and irretrievable. However, CYBERGENIEHACKPRO has proven this notion to be incorrect. Although the recovery process was intricate, I was elated to learn that my lost assets had been successfully retrieved. To anyone who may find themselves in a similar unfortunate situation, I strongly urge you to maintain hope and seek out CYBERGENIEHACKPRO through a Google search. I recommend contacting C Y B E R G E N I E (@) C Y B E R S E R V I C E S (.) C O M for valuable money recovery advice. Their private website can be found at ~ https ://cyber-genie-hackpro. info/ ~.
Clara Glover
27-10-2024, 06:22:21

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